Thursday, October 16, 2008


We had another ultrasound on Monday and got the big news! We're having another girl! The Boy was a touch disappointed at first but seems to have made his peace with being the lone prince in a house full of princesses. Lots more pink in our future...

[pink tutu] [pink ruffle cake] [pink blocks] [pink blanket] [pink booties]


  1. congrats!!! we are so happy for you.

  2. YAY! Congratulations! I happen to really like pink so it sounds good to me!

  3. How exciting - a home full of sisters!

  4. Great news! Congratulations!!!
    I cannot get enough pink. In fact I took our two little princess' to see their cousins football game tonight and was so thankful for having two girls. I just don't get the whole football thing!
    Anyway, happy pink shopping to you!

  5. Hmmm...I guess it was meant to be, I mean he is, afterall, "THE boy"


    Congratulations again :)

  6. Pink, pink, pink! Hooray for Pink! Sorry for your son and his out numbered status... But good golly are there a lot of beautiful girlie clothes out there!

  7. Congratulations! What a lucky little girl to have a mom with such great taste!!

  8. Bummer for the boy, but it is fun to have a girl...the clothes are just cuter! Congrats, can't wait to meet her someday. Got names yet?


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