birthday goodness...
Count those Good n Plenty's and you'll know how old I turned on Sunday. Yikes! Let's just say it's my last year as a 30-something. Really?
It was a happy day anyway. The Husband brought me breakfast in bed, his famous cheesy eggs and a tall glass of orange juice. Pinky and I shared them while she chirped away happily and then toddled off to see what her siblings were up to. I lingered in bed and read. Princess and Cha-cha brought me beautifully hand-drawn cards accompanied by lots of hugs and kisses. The Boy designed me a clever Lego cake on the computer. Pinky and I snuggled together for an afternoon nap.

I woke to the smell of something vanilla-y baking. Yum. The Boy casually came upstairs and asked me how to make "cream." I told him you had to buy cream and that we didn't have any. He was crestfallen. I wheedled. He admitted he was making a cake and wanted cream for the top. I told him frosting would be good, too. He left the room and returned with a printout of a frosting recipe with odd amounts and measurements but amazingly accurate ingredients. I asked him where he got it. He told me he'd made it up. I suggested looking in one of my cook books or online for a recipe . He came back with a printed recipe that he'd googled. We agreed it looked good and he left to complete his masterpiece.
Didn't it turn out great!? It was delicious and he was so proud. I was proud. My sweet 11-year old boy. So thoughtful. We gobbled it up with cherry-vanilla icecream before the Husband made us dinner. Lasagna, salad and rolls followed by a family wii tournament. Not a bad way to celebrate the day, wouldn't you say?
Mom I love you You make me happy even when I'm cranky |
Happy Late Birthday! What a sweet post and what a lucky Momma you are! I think we are the same age...
You are welcome to visit our crazy, unfinished house any day! Seriously. We should see if we can plan a trip into the City with Shaka before she blows this pop stand! I need my hair cut. Bad.
Alissa - I am a lucky momma! You're living my dream, fixing up a fabulous old house like that! We should plan another trip into the city with Shaka. That would be awesome!
the cake turned out great!
Sounds like a fabulous day. I can't wait til my Snacker is old enough to bake me a cake! How cute :)
Great blog you have herre
Thanks for this blog ppost
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