Thursday, May 12, 2011

easter 2011...

The children after church on Easter Sunday. (A rare shot of The Boy)

I know, I know Easter was several weeks ago. Just thought I'd stop by and post something on this poor old blog. I guess it's really been a while because I'm feeling really rusty. (What size photos do I usually post? Why is the cursor there? Why can't I download multiple photos at once?) I'd like to get back to posting regularly. I wish I could make that a goal but life is still a bit too crazy to make any promises.

Easter was lovely. I was relieved that it was late this year. I still didn't do everything that I wanted to but it was nice to have the extra time to get ready. The Husband was actually home for a few days while the children were on spring break prior to Easter. We crammed a lot into that little week! Yard work, house work, an overnight trip to Boston, a visit to our favorite local children's museum. It was fun and exhausting. I should have some photos on my camera that I'll eventually get around to posting. For now, here are a few shots from Easter Sunday.

Pinky stops to smell the flowers.

Cha-Cha and Princess adore Pinky.

Pretty Princess.

Charming Cha-Cha (love those freckles!).

A bird's nest found in the bushes at Grammy and Bippy's house. Such pretty Easter eggs!

1 comment:

Thanks for saying "hello!" I love hearing from you.

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