Monday, December 13, 2010

stovetop potpourri...

I'm up to my eyeballs in holiday craftiness this year. So much so that I haven't even had a chance to take photos to share. Or to draw up our next Meredith coloring page and it's Monday, AGAIN. Forgive me. I'll be back soon with some holiday happiness and Meredith's letter 'J' page. For now I'm loving the idea of this stovetop potpourri. Isn't it festive? Holiday smells make me happy! I'm definitely going to put some of this together as soon as I can get to the grocery store. Here's to festive holiday prep!


  1. I have been so behind on blogging but I'm excited to catch up on yours. Great pics, we miss you guys good thing Christmas is soon, we are excited to hang out. Oh and I had to laugh with the whole constant amazement at the passage of time thing, I'm with you.

  2. smells yummy! holiday crafts?....not me this year!


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