Monday, December 20, 2010

portico in progress 3...

Ah the portico, all decked out. It's been a while since I've shared the progress on our project. The portico is mostly complete and has been since just before Thanksgiving. I've always wanted a pretty porch to dress up for the holidays. Merry Christmas to me!

There are just a few things left to do. The screen door is going to be replaced, I'm on the hunt for new light fixtures and there's some touch-up painting to be done. Those items are all on the agenda for spring when the weather warms up a bit. And then we'll move on to landscaping. Poor neglected landscaping that has been waiting ten years for the ever-promised portico. It's time has finally come. Good-bye sad, scraggly bushes! A few boxwoods, some pachysandra, several hostas... I'm going for green and lush. Thoughts?


  1. Great job on your portico! Perfect outdoor festiveness achieved. Bravo!

  2. I know that this post is old but I love it! I want to add a portico just like yours to our house.


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