Wednesday, October 20, 2010

take on me...

Oh, A-ha... how I loved them. Didn't you? And the 'Take on Me' video *swoon.* Are you with me eighties-girls?

My brother sent me this article with the original version of my favoritest video ever and the above "literal" version. I laughed my way through the "literal" version and, I dunno, I think I kind of like the original version of the song (not the video - though those boys look pretty good in that, too).  The released version was better but the original could've caught on.  What do you think?


  1. I thought the 'literal' version was hilarious. Those "dine and ditchers" make me want to crumple something too!

  2. i did love aha! they were so cute! i remember i had a poster of them on my wall from teen beat or some magazine like that. the literal version was funny!


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