a place to show things i make, things i like, things i'd like to make goodness gracious... it's all about me!?!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I've been seriously contemplating killing our t.v. lately. It would be so good. Really good. Can I give up "What Not To Wear" though? That is the question. Shallow or what?
How great is this aardvark manifesto? I'm thinking we should come up with one for our family. What would it say? Things like... eat more jello... siblings = friends... maintenance is key... ride your bike... march to your own drummer... choose healthy food... be nice to your mother. Good stuff like that. What would yours say?
manifesto via Aesthetic Outburst
What Laurel? You're not my friend? Shaka likes my ideas. She says she'll be my friend...