Tuesday, August 3, 2010

blueberry bliss...

So lucky.  There is a pick-your-own blueberry farm right down the street from us.  A charming old farmhouse flanked by rows and rows of blueberry bushes shrouded in netting.  It's open until 7:30 in the evening.  What's happier than harvesting blueberry goodness in the soft, cool air of a summer evening?

It was Pinky's first time.  She didn't quite believe that those little blue treats grew on the bushes.  She repeatedly sat down in the grass and attempted to eat the fallen fruit.  Placing a tray on the ground and stocking it with her very own blueberry goodness solved that.  Happy toddler.

Princess was a productive picker.  Me... not so much, as I entertained Pinky and chased Cha-Cha, the explorer of blueberry rows near and far.  We went with friends and upon arriving instead of being directed to a particular row to pick, we were given the option to pick wherever we wanted.  Thinking that the children would stay within a row or two of the adults we gave them free reign.  We thought wrong.  Cha-cha and her friend soon were across the farm on their hunt for the biggest, juiciest blueberries.

The adventurers were eventually captured and we continued our picking together in the row that they proclaimed had the best berries.  They were right, there were lots of fat juicy blueberries in that row.  That's why I was surprised when we arrived at home with so many soft berries in our tray.  When I asked the girls what happened Cha-cha enthusiastically exclaimed "the smooshy ones are the best" and unapologetically admitted that she had picked as many as she could!  Mmmm... smooshy blueberries, delicious on day one.  Day two... hmmm... I see lots of blueberry baked goods in our future...

I think we're all okay with that!


  1. Love that last picture! So far we have had blueberry pancakes, muffins, syrup, and smoothies...any other ideas?

  2. good times...wish we could have been with you!!!!!!!


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