Monday, November 16, 2009

oh blog, how i've missed you...

I miss my happy little blog and it's happy friends, who I'm sure have long since moved to greener pastures or blogs that actually post. Alas, time is not my friend these days. In fact we're not even on speaking terms. No time in the schedule....

Checked my endless email today and saw that I received a lovely email from Coldplay, such nice boys. Anyhoo I dallied a bit at their website (while Pinky tore apart my pile of papers to be filed -- I pay for all dalliances from her specific care) and came across this lovely video. I'm quite sure it's been around for a very long time and I just missed it but it made me happy this er... lovely Monday morning. Thought I'd share some of the happiness with anyone who's still stopping by.

P.S. I think of you often. I see things all day every day and think... the blog would love that. Just. can't. find. time. to. post. anything. Maybe someday?...


  1. I do miss your posts Darlaina! I totally understand the no time dilema though! Don't worrry, this too shall pass - and we'll miss it too. Take care!

  2. Hey! You November! You can see how NOT on top of blogging I've been lately as well! I'm going to try to do better though, so you gotta join me in a return to blogging - otherwise it just won't be as fun!

  3. Miss you and the blog. I quiz your sister about you. Where is she? I ask. I do understand tho. Oh my, do I ever understand! I'll keep checking back ever so often.


Thanks for saying "hello!" I love hearing from you.

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