a place to show things i make, things i like, things i'd like to make goodness gracious... it's all about me!?!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
pull-toy perfection,,,
I am so enamored with these adorable pull-toys... I haven't been able to stop thinking about them for several days. Aren't they dreamy? Smooth and graphic and timeless, oh my! There aren't any for sale right now but oh, how I want one. Maybe I'll have to make one of my own with the directions the artist so generously provided here. Perhaps a pink polka-dotted bunny or a gingham giraffe or... so many ideas so little time...
via ohdeedoh
I don't watch Martha much anymore but I did catch the episode which featured this artist. I too loved her adorable pull toys and didn't she have some cute race cars in her line up? Not that Miss Pinky would be interested in race cars...