Wednesday, September 3, 2008


So, the kids are back at school. They started a week ago and here I am finally posting photos from the big day. Can't seem to catch up to my runaway train of a life lately. Ah well...

The Boy posing for his Back-to-School shot. He's thrilled, can you tell? And Princess posing for same photo op, grinning from ear to ear. Could they be more alike?

A good natured Back-to-School scuffle finally brings a smile to The Boys' face. Such a boy...

Sunny smiles before heading off...

And they're off. Let another crazy, roller coaster school year begin...

P.S. No Cha-Cha in these photos because she was ASLEEP still?!? Even she thought this was far to soon for Back-to-School festivities to begin!


  1. I love your photos! And your son really, really doesn't look happy about returning to school. So sad that there are so many years ahead of him!

    Love to see that tall corn! Makes me yearn for home.

  2. adorable, creative pics as usual!

  3. Love the pictures, the kids look so cute.

  4. ...sigh...they're getting so big...and so is the Corn! Wowsers!
    Princess is especially getting big, I can't believe how much she's growing! Hmmm...maybe I could borrow her cute little dress...hmmm.

  5. summer ended much too soon but isn't it nice to have them back to school!?

  6. cute pictures! princess is so sweet. she is always so happy! the boy does not seem too happy! oh well. he'll get used to it right?!

  7. Are you sure these are your kids? Or did you steal them from an LL Bean catalog? Too cute to be real!

  8. hey laina!! i've been slow to comment these days. the pics are great; i love that cha-cha was still asleep. that would've been grace if she wasn't the older one (she loves to sleep in - i taught her well). hope you are enjoying being on a routine again. i wasn't too excited about it, but it probably was good for us all around.


Thanks for saying "hello!" I love hearing from you.

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