Monday, June 2, 2008

when i rule the world...

or at least my blog, I get to play this song all day...


  1. Ohhhhh...I love it. I heard this for the first time on a commercial on TV (I never listen to the radio any more) and I was surprised to find out it was Cold Play. It sounds so 80's...Bryce says that's why I like it!

  2. I think that, may be why I like it so much,too. I've never heard it on the radio, I saw this apple ad and stopped breathing. It still takes my breath away. I hope they make a whole video like this... love his hands (crazy).

    I've listened to the song far too many times and I'm still not tired of it yet.

  3. Hey! That's where I first heard/saw it too!'s the hands, I don't know what it is about the way he moves, but it's just so hypnotizing.

  4. never heard it-

    we need to add thing 4 to my blog


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