Thursday, June 19, 2008

school's out for summer...

Couldn't resist making a mix tape to get us in the mood!


via All Things Alissa (a fun new-to-me blog - check it out!)


  1. Love the mix! Our kids got out today, too! Let the summer fun begin! Ire's got her "lateover" birthday party tonight to start things off with a bang!

  2. Oh my gosh- how do you find such cool things... and also while we're asking questions... how do you find such cool things that blend so nicely with your wicked pretty blog? AND how do you have time to find them all! ha ha ha ha - I am grateful that you do... but man, I don't know how you do it (mostly the part about finding all the cool things- are you copying someone else's blog and putting it on yours?? ah ha ha ha! : )

  3. by the way- I'm totally stealing this idea! ; )

  4. 4 flood gates - fun! i'm assuming a lateover is like a sleepover without the sleep?

    vi - i actually did find this tape thing at another blog, i completely forgot to put the tag at the bottom, thanks for reminding me! i do find things all over, when i find something at another blog i do typically attribute it with a "via..." - i do get a kick out of finding things that coordinate with the colors of my blog - i'm weird like that!

  5. This is such a cute little thing! I love it. Snanck and I had so much fun dancing to the mix...I should listen every's a good workout!


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