Tuesday, June 24, 2008

recycling ambitions...

In the past couple weeks I've come across a couple cute ideas for recycling some of the munchkin's outgrown clothing. I'm thinking of giving it a shot. Am I dreaming? I'll let you know...

All of the following projects are ideal for Princess who is such a skinny-mini that by the time things fit her width-wise, they're too short.

First I saw this cute idea for turning outgrown jeans into flouncy, girly skirts (no pattern but it looks simple enough - famous last words).

And then I found the t-shirt dress idea for outgrown shirts.

Or how about just extending some of those too short tops with a couple ruffles like this fun little shirt.

The options are endless for shirts. A narrow single ruffle at the bottom of a t-shirt for a tutu-ish look or a long ruffle at the top to turn it into a baby-doll style.

Oh, and capris, why have I never cut off a pair of pants to make capris?

Aye yi yi... make. me. stop.


  1. man oh man- i wouldnt even think of trying any of those ideas- but then again, i can't sew!


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