
Thursday, January 24, 2008

bloggedy blah blah...

Sorry, I've got the blogging blahs lately. So many things I'd like to blog about but I can't seem to summon the energy or the time. I still haven't written about Christmas or posted pictures or complained about my Christmas card fiasco, and I have a stack of cards I've made from card group that I need to photograph and post and... and... and... maybe tomorrow...


Mumsy said...

And for that same reason I don't even like to turn on my computer or try to post anything great on my own blog.

april said...

you make me feel better about my own feast/famine approach to blogging.

love the dots and hope you feel like joining us again soon.

LaughAtMe-Laurel said...

Well Laina, tomorrow has come and happens to me all the time too. I finally had to skip to the present I was so far behind. But we're willing to give you a little break before we start banging down your door for more posts!