
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nine - Eleven

When I published the previous posts today I noticed the date. September 11. A lump in my throat and a sinking feeling. A quiet day at home. Memories of a day that broke my heart.

We all remember that day... where we were... what we were feeling. I found it comforting to read others' thoughts and memories. Maybe you will too...

Where were you six years ago? - the gab blog

Where were you six years ago today? - These are a few of my favorite things

It's September 11th Again - Tales from the Crib (a collection of past posts written by women from New York)

Remembering - Cafe Johnsonia

Let's Not Forget - altogether too happy

God Bless America


Christie said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - of course you are welcome to link any time! Loved the links - such great words from better women than me. Such a memorable day.

Mumsy said...

Thanks for the link! And the other links. Good reading.