
Thursday, May 10, 2007


Sorry I've been blog negligent the last couple of days. I've been working on a project for The Boy's class. An album for his teacher with photos of each child in the class. So, I've been sweating it out on the playground for two days, chasing second graders. Still have more to go but... progress has been made.

Catching up on reading my favorite blogs today I came across this post at Tara Whitney's site. This is really making my heart heavy today. Maybe some of you can keep the Coble family in your prayers, I know I will. Not sure what else could really help in a tragedy like this.

Stories like this really put things into perspective. I really needed help with that this week. Children truly are a blessing even when they're fighting with each other mercilessly in the back seat of the car over trivial things like leaf collections. I've got to remember this...

photo via microsoft


Anonymous said...

And to think I got mad at The Snack for climbing out of his crib at bed time. I just want to go and hold him now, and play cars for the hundreth time...'cause we just never know...-L-

laina kay said...

L- So true...